Have a holly, jolly Christmas. It’s the best time of the year!
Can you believe it’s already Christmas soon? Let’s hop into the Christmas spirit with with our long awaited Christmas with Thermomix® E-Book! It includes 15 recipes triple-tested by our Recipe Development team and a Ginger Bread House printable template for a nice Cook and Bond session with your little ones this Holiday.
Some dishes to expect include Rich Fruit Cake, Key Lime Madeline and Cranberry Financier. Whether you’re planning for a Christmas lunch or dinner, this E-Book will give you all the inspiration you need.
马上就要迎接圣诞节了!期待已久的 Thermomix® 伴您欢度圣诞电子食谱书共有 15 道由我们的食谱开发团队三重测试的食谱,让您在这个佳节感受到无尽的乐趣。其中也包含了可打印的姜饼屋组装模块形状,让您在这个假期于孩子们一同作乐。