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Rasa Nyonya 回味娘惹 Cookbook

Rasa Nyonya 回味娘惹 Cookbook


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Indulge your senses with 65 specially curated recipes to recreate the authentic tastes of heritage Peranakan Baba and Nyonya dishes that is only uniquely available in Southeast Asian countries along the Straits of Melaka. This collection consists of 7 categories of recipes which includes Sauces and Condiments, Soups, Fish and Seafood, Side Dishes, Noodles and Rice Dishes, Meat and Poultry, as well as, Snacks and Finger Foods.

The Thermomix® Rasa Nyonya cookbook allows everyone to prepare authentic Peranakan dishes with simple cooking steps for exceptional cooking results that are bursting with vibrant colours and flavours.

集合了65道特别精选的食谱,以重现仅在马六甲海峡沿岸的东南亚国家独有的文化遗产 – 峇峇娘惹 (土生华人)料理,让您的味蕾可以回味这些独特的正宗美味。这本食谱涵括了7种类别的料理,包括酱汁和调味品、汤品、海鲜类、配菜、粥粉面饭、禽肉与肉类,以及小食。

Thermomix®️ 《回味娘惹》允许每个人通过简便的烹饪步骤来料理正宗的峇峇娘惹美食,在获取非凡的烹饪效果的同时,也不失独特的风味及色彩。