My Love ❤ Affair with Thermomix®
This article is written by Sunita Thomas. It all began that fateful day in October 2013! I am a person who loves to bake – cakes especially, and am always…
This article is written by Sunita Thomas. It all began that fateful day in October 2013! I am a person who loves to bake – cakes especially, and am always…
Create, import and modify your favourite recipes, save them all in one place and cook them with your Thermomix®. My Thermomix®, my way. Cookidoo® has thousands of triple-tested recipes from…
Start your day with homemade yogurt now! It’s cheaper, healthier and tastes better when it’s homemade with love.Have you ever wonder how to ferment your own food? Try using the Fermentation…
Thermomix® TM6是一台全球最智能的多功能厨房神器。它能够启发您的烹饪潜能同时替您省时省力,是您增进厨艺的好帮手。Thermomix® TM6 具有革命性的现代烹饪模式,通过在线食谱平台 Cookidoo®,您可以在 Thermomix® TM6 的彩色触屏上搜索来自世界各地经过测试的食谱,弹指间即可获取琳琅满目的国际料理。 探索 Cookidoo® 上超过 74,000 道的食谱,通过引导式的烹饪步骤,让用户们在家里也能轻松地体验不同的料理制作。除此之外,它不仅仅拥有24种不同的烹饪功能,而且还会不断地通过软件更新而增加更多的功能。这一完美的设计也为那些生活忙碌却又想自己准备饭菜的顾客提供更方便、更轻松、更简单且无忧无虑的烹饪体验。 Thermomix (马来西亚/汶莱)保证为原包装中的产品提供针对材料和制造缺陷的保修,保修期为自交货日期起的二十四(24)个月(家电用途) / 十二(12)个月(商业用途)。它绝对是一份让您能终身轻松煮,健康吃并且在厨房寻找生活乐趣的礼物。让我们一起享受居家烹饪,健康为佳,确保每个人安全至上的新世纪烹饪体验吧! 想了解更多详情,请电邮至 enquiry@thermomix.com.my 欲搜索更多有关Thermomix®️ 的食谱和最新消息,请关注Thermomix®️ Malaysia’s Facebook和Thermomix®️ Malaysia’s Instagram
This article is written by Fifi Leong. What is vegan diet? A vegan (plant-based) diet is a blissful diet that provides many natural benefits ranging from slimming effects, anti-aging and…
电饭锅的确比Thermomix®️ 的价格低廉,然而Thermomix®️ 却有24种不同的功能任您使用。Thermomix®️ 的多用途功能,能够为你烹调出美味可口的佳肴。 你是否知道 Thermomix®️ 还能为你煮出一锅有质感又松软的米饭吗?Thermomix®️ 使用跟传统饭锅截然不同的方式,通过网锅烹煮米饭,它会利用水流的速度在主锅中冲洗生米,这种蒸煮方式能够把大部分的生米煮成粒粒分明,而且松软又有口感的米饭。除此之外,米饭里的部分醣和淀粉也会在冲洗过程中溶解至米汤当中。这样煮出来的米饭对于有意减肥和糖尿病患者是一大福音,因为相对而言,它含有的醣成分较低(Low GI)。根据报告显示,糖尿病和高血糖患者必须少吃米饭以便控制血糖。使用Thermomix®️ 的网锅烹煮的米饭就能够把醣和淀粉成分相对地降低,因此能够让他们更放心地食用米饭。用Thermomix®️ 的网锅煮饭会在主锅中遗留富有营养价值的米汤。这米汤是适于小朋友和宝宝食用的。把其他食材加入米汤烹煮,给宝宝当副食品或者让小朋友喝以米汤烹调成的蔬菜汤等。 营养价值 每 1 人份 热量:858 kJ / 205 kcal 蛋白质:4 g 碳水化合物:45 g 脂肪:0 g 膳食纤维:0.2 g 欲搜索更多有关Thermomix®️ 的食谱和最新消息,请关注Thermomix®️…
This article is written by Yujiro Ohmori. Since you’re here, we’d go ahead and assume that you know when the International Coffee Day is. If you don’t, it’s never too…
Did you know that you can get succulent whole chicken by steaming it in your Varoma dish? Just rub the skin with your Thermomix®️ homemade spice rub (recipe below), stuff…
Still buying store mooncake fillings? Try making your own using your Thermomix®. Absolutely no nasties and only the choice ingredients you used in the cooking process. The process may be…
This is the mooncake season! Eating traditional mooncakes is a time-honoured tradition every year to celebrate mid-autumn festival where traditionally families will gather under the full month with lantern lit…